The history of the Highlands in small packages.

Highland Histories

Highland Histories is a new non-fiction series from Tricky Imp based on the history of the communities of the Northern Highlands. It is planned to be a constantly expanding series that goes deep enough to bring you the facts of our history, but is entertaining and easy to read.

A Taste of Crofting
by Barbara Jane Gray.

When it comes to historical food, there will always be argument and ambiguity about the subject.
Then, as now, people cooked in their own way and certainly, within a crofting community, especially in times of famine and poverty, they would eat what they could find.
Therefore, this book does not attempt to be a definitive work on the subject but instead, provide the reader with ideas and recipes that have been passed along generations with the idea of giving A Taste of Crofting through the period. Recipes are included from around the Highlands of Scotland and include some fishing community examples.

Barbara Jane Gray is an avid cook and has been involved in researching historical cooking methods for many years and after extensive research into the Highland Clearances, became passionate about those years of upheaval.

A Tale of Crofting
by Alex McGlashen.

The crofting community of the 18th, 19th and even 20th centuries for the main part were struggling to survive, and many did not. Others left the shores of Scotland to seek a new life a long way from the mother country, but those who stayed, found a hard and unpredictable existence. Alex MacGlashen gives us a peep into their history and supplies an anecdotal taste of the life of the crofter.
On the shelves sometime in the summer 2024.

A Matter of Survival
by Alex McGlashen.

This time Alex brings us a deep look into the struggles of the fishing community in the Highlands and explores their history through the people who experienced the twilight of the Herring Industry.
On the shelves late 2024.

More to come 2025.

Other Books

Both Barbara Jane Gray and Alex McGlashen have further books planned and we will place any news here.
We can also recommend Liz Ashworth's Book of Bere.